Wednesday, November 7, 2012


Before we were married we were able to go to Europe and visit John's sister Sunny, husband Seth and darling kids Tiger and Stella. We loved every minute..

Sunny's cute rainboot flowerpots.

Blaylock children Stella and Tiger enjoying the Keukenhoff Tulip Festival in the Netherlands

I wish the US kept perma polo players in our parks. Especially shifty-eyed ones..

Fancy profesh street art

And fancy John street art

Greenery of Brussels Royal Gardens

wandering downtown Brussels. is the only information I got outta this guy.


some Americano playing his country heart out for all of Brussels to hear

A bookstore I dragged John into and ordered his captivity while I looked through and nearly purchased half the store.. including a book on Banksy! I still want to go back and get it!

oh just John posing as DaveDarleyesque as possible..

we love (the outside of) the Looooooooouvre!!!

not to be confused the John the Beloved...

a bridge for lovers in Paris-- at all the tourist shops around, you can buy a small cheap set of a lock and keys, and lock the name-inscribed lock to the bridge, then throw the keys over into the river. City of Romance, right?

As at any tourist destination, you'll be certain to find..

seeing the streets via bike/taxi/carriage

thaaar sheeee bloooows (be sure to notice the ultra-parisian in the right corner)

A super interesting exhibit we went to of one of John's favorite artists, Salvador Dali. A Spanish Jack Sparrow type artist

In Bruge, we took a boat ride through the city. Probably one of Europe's best kept secrets. Because of some problem with the irrigation, the industrial revolution never made it here so its preserved in nearly exact 15th century ness. Small, quaint, and saturated with middle age air

We met a nice girl named Ellen who heard us talking about being engaged and offered to take a few 'engagement shots' being the profesh photographer that she is. the shot above is one of those.. very nice of her!

our last day was spent at this museum in Antwerp, which was very interesting and strange - go hand in hand right?

and what better way to end the trip than with a dance partaaaay

We are so grateful for Sunny and Seth and the 'rents for the opportunity!! We are so blessed to have the best family in the world!!


  1. These are so fun to be, and you have instilled within me a longing to go back to the land of Eur. I am getting nostalgic of the days when Todd and I were young lovers in love, without a care in the world, and I just said to him "remember when we were young and in love? and he got offended :) As though it was that long ago anyway...haha you guys are so cute. Glad Johnny joined the fam

  2. Haha, yeah, Ab, wait till it's been 34 years. You will be speaking of a new kind of love! Thanks, Cas, for the delightful travelogue (notice the European spelling :) Fun lives you have already had togeth!! We love you two Darleys!
