Wednesday, November 7, 2012

More prevs...

It wasnt long before John's summer job in North Dakota..

became our summer job in North Dakota

Although for the most part it wasnt much to look at, North Dakota does have the most beautiful skies

this is a good show for the feel of Williston

Before A/C was installed in mid-july.. desperate times called for desperate measures

which came in the way of making friends too

good thing we had each other!

you think utah has big trucks?

Poor kid got really really sick..

through Yellowstone on our way to Utah for a week of wedding prep

I was a little obsessed with this slanty shed and took a billion pictures of it

when either of us had time or energy for entertainment, the overpriced movie theater was sure to provide

John and Armando. Im very sad I didnt get a picture of each of our co-workers / roommmates out there, because they really became our friends. Sometimes we still text (in spanish)!

what does it tell you that trips to the dump were some of our favorite times- it was a pretty drive and some of the few moments we had to just be together. ha!

driving home :)


  1. Those are some pretty skies! And the slanty shed is really cool! Glad N.D. is now just a memory!

  2. I am loving thinking about all your hispanic peeps. And mostly i am loving that you decided to update cause I was beginning to think this was going to be a one post blog! These are really great pics. It seems like places like this that very few trees and no mountains always have beautiful skies since you can see so far. your pics have made me want to go there and sit on a long, white porch and eat corn on the cob as I stare out into the neverending, beautiful skies.
