Thursday, September 6, 2012

So there I was... that point in a young newlywed life when a blog becomes approp. Having my family live anywhere between 100 to 100000 miles away is the ONLY circumstance that would warrant me to create an onlineshrine to my life. But, alas, there I was, wide awake at 2 AM, because the pre-work out energy supplement my husband gave me before the gym apparently doesnt wear off for 4 hours (while he's out-cold and in-bed.. might give you some idea of who gyms to 'play with weights and the treadmill' and who gyms to 'annihilate every muscle in your body'). Anyway, altogether I am happy as a lark in our school-work-gym-play routine and am here to give back all the bloggery of yours that I've loved!
fresh as newlyweds can be!
honeymooning in zion. This guy jumped out of my hand onto john. we almost brought him home!
wedding gift from my rachel roommate on a mission
john showing off his job to my roommates - who wants to ride The Fun Bike?!?!?
over labor day weekend we jumped on a backpacking trip with brooke and her friends. We wandered from lake to lake in the Unitas and it was lovely!
we unpacked our tent to find it entirely infested with nasty case of mildew. good thing brooke packed this handy 'Adventure Tent' that we used. Ha!
we all cliff jumped into this ^ lake the last morning.. it was just as cold as it was gorgeous
mmmmmmhmmmmm :)


  1. WAHOO!!! Now if we can just get Bryce on the blog train....I love this. Your pics are adorable, as is your hubby. How funny that you went camping with Brookie and friends so you and Johnny got to sleep in the tent together while all the other girls are single and manless. I bet they were jeal. I remember starting my blog shortly after we were married, and not really wanting to either, but Todd wanted me to. Then I was glad I did for you guys, and soon enough there will be a lil' babe for you to post pictures of too. It gets much more fun at that point so don't give up on it!! Love Love Love you!

  2. Yay!!!!! I'm so so so so so happy for this!!!! Cas you guys look so freaking cute and happy :) Although I'm not quite sure how i feel about Cassie taking gym supplements... But anyway, I'm so glad youre doing this and I hope you blog very often. I love you guys very much and can't wait to watch your adventure unfold!!

  3. Ditto! We have a blog, but I don't write much anymore. Everyone I know I just call on the phone. In any case it's good to write something somewhere. I love the pics and your pretty face. Keep it up.

  4. Heeeey! How fun to see you guys! And how fun for you to be on the blog train! I'm glad you have it and its awesome! Loves!
