Thursday, October 18, 2012

Nearly Nothings

What better time to write than when youre swaddled in sweats and cozy in the corner of the couch, while your husband falls asleep to an audiobook and the nocturnal chill of fall wakes up to the sunset? I wonder what I'll write because John and I have had nearly nothing worth sharing in the last few months, unless you'd like to hear how our momentum in school has gone from a waterfall to molasses, or how our most of our thank you cards have remained blank despite the best of intentions to write the unwritten pile down..

But, these few quiet moments are lending themselves to reflection and a few nearly nothings come to mind.

John is loving Jeff's. He gets his LDSBC homework done with an attitude of a 5 year old obediently eating his vegetables, and then jumps to the tasty dessert of the art academy with a grin breaking across his face. He's been working on some negative-image exercises that teach him to see shapes at a glance more accurately than you or I could see with a magnifying glass. In his free time he can often be found reading about artists online, thumbing through Heidi's art books, or drawing whatever he sees.

In this case, it happens to be me, as I take any chance I can get to hang around him :)

While he doodles and draws, I've been enjoying my readings for school but more anxiously awaiting the day when I can read what I want, which includes these newly acquired books that tempt me from my shelf every day.... 7 more weeks....

I guess JKRowling realized that although Harry Potter finished growing up at 17, I would inevitably become an adult and still need something to read, so she wrote this

and a new young reader novel by Colin Meloy, who is the lead man of The Decemberists! Its illustrated by Carson Ellis, who happens to be his wife. A husband/wife writer/artist team? Dont mind if I do....

Im taking a few workshop classes in school and have had to write some fiction, non fiction and experimental pieces. Once I get to revisit them post feedback, Ill post them up here! I kindof like them!

My roommate Rachel got home from her mission this week! Brooke and I snuck into her house and kidnapped her and lil sis Jill for the the morning. What an 18 months its been since the day she walked out the door and Brooke sighed, "And then there were two..." Now there are 4!! This is what most of my life looked like before that day

Anyway looks like its time for bed again, time to knock off another square on the calendar, each one happier than the last with my John!